Adrian, I'm so HAPPY!! With your advice, I finally made it to 115 poundsMarlene Paiva
Lost Her Last 20 Lbs. of stubborn belly fat
1. Make yourself heavier
When you make yourself heavier by wearing a weight vest or a bookbag filled with weights,
Your body has to burn more calories or use more energy to move a heavier object. Start off wearing a Weight Vest that's 5-to-10% of your bodyweight to lose weight faster when you workout.
2. Workout Before Breakfast
Working out before you BREAK-YOUR-FAST or before your first meal burns fat faster because when you don't eat for long periods of time,
Your blood sugar is lower. Now your body has to burn more fat because it's not a lot of blood sugar leftover to burn for energy.
3. More Intensity
MORE intensity not only burns more calories… It also creates a greater AFTERBURN where you burn more calories up to 48 hours after the workout is over.
4. More Often
IMPORTANT → Working out more often ONLY helps you lose weight faster when it adds up to being MORE intense and/or LONGER than your current workout routine.
5. Do a Different Workout
Doing the same workout everyday will eventually cause YOU & YOUR body to get used to that workout. At that point… you'll hit a weight loss plateau and you'll need a completely different workout. For example,
I knew a lady who lost 25 lbs. walking on a treadmill everyday but after 2 months she stopped losing weight. I told her to switch over to the Elliptical and she lost 7 more pounds her first 2 weeks!Adrian Bryant - Body Transformation Expert
6. Beat Your Last Workout
The quickest way to lose weight is to keep beating your last workout by pushing yourself more & more each time even if it's only by an inch.
1. More Protein
Protein helps you lose weight faster in 2 ways
2. Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent fasting is a trick to burn fat faster while on any weight loss plan
3. Eat the Same Foods
Eating the same foods everyday will cause you to lose interest in food making your cravings go away. This'll bore you into losing more weight with no variety in your diet.
4. Don't Eat Back the Calories You Burn Exercising
This is why eating back the calories you burn exercising makes you lose weight at a slower pace or not lose weight at all.
5. Track your calories
If you've been losing weight working out &/or without counting calories but now you're stuck,
6. Eat Less
4 More Tricks
1. Spend More Time Under 66℉
Fact → The more time you spend in temperatures under 66℉ (19℃) = the faster you'll lose weight. Your body has to burn fat to generate enough heat (energy) to keep you warm.
See How to burn 500 calories without exercising for more cold exposure weight loss tricks.
2. Get Rid of False Fat
See 18 Ways to get a flatter stomach to flush out excess belly bloat/water weight or "false fat" that makes you look fatter than you really are.
3. Deplete Glycogen
See How to burn more fat while working out → This fat burning trick should only be used if you're having trouble losing your last 10-to-20 pounds.
4. Use a Fat Burner
Fat Burners increase your metabolism, suppress your appetite, give you more energy to workout longer & harder and causes more fat to be burned when you're working out.
Be Patient
Did You Gain Muscle?
If you're starting to look slimmer even though the scale says you haven't lost any weight… You're probably losing fat & gaining more muscle (weight) → How to tell if you're gaining muscle & burning fat
More Tips