To See How Much weight you can lose Roller Blading...
Type in your weight (in lbs.) in this box here →
Type in minutes Roller Blading in this box here →
and then...
You'll burn
calories Roller Blading so...
You'll lose
pounds a Week or...
You'll lose
pounds a Month or...
You'll lose
pounds a Year Roller Blading
minutes everyday or...
You can lose
pounds a Year Roller Blading
minutes 3 times a week but...
You can lose weight even faster if you Roller Blade &...
calories a day and...
You'll lose up to
lbs. a Week or...
You'll lose up to
lbs. a Month or...
You'll lose up to
lbs. a Year.
(*Get a more accurate amount of calories you need to lose weight)
If you're Roller Blading
minutes everyday & still can't lose weight...
Read #1 & #2 of
'10 ways to break out of a weight loss plateau'
You can incorporate Roller Blading into this
Free Weight Loss Workout Program
while doing other
weight loss activities
or these
weight loss exercise programs & videos
If you're only 30 pounds overweight
for example...
Don't expect to lose more than 30 pounds Roller Blading everyday no matter what this weight loss calculator says.