Hey Adrian, Look at the success you've help create I lost 140 pounds doing your walking workouts. Everything you've taught me is a way of life to me & anything else feels foreign.Millicent Jefferies

I was 195 when I started your program doing the HIIT treadmill workouts for 20 to 30 minutes, I'm now 123 & I'm starting to notice a lot more muscle tone and I can feel my glutes getting stronger and harder!Anna Trevino

Following the NowLoss Diet along with Adrian's running workout helped me get down to 71kgManny Schellenberg
Lost 29 Pounds

I found the 10 min treadmill work out, with time, I went down to 115. I love your motivation and your videos.Morgan Starns

I started working out on april this year weighin in at 350 lbs, im now down to 250 and still going at it!
I've been using the ski step workout & the jumping jack wourkout, when i go to the gym i also do the treadmill workout where you run for 10 sec, and rest another 10 its helped me a lot.Joshua Karo
From 330-to-190 lbs in 11 months
Your running intervals works great. I used to go form telephone pole to telephone pole sprinting, then jog til the next and do it again. somenights it lookd like those poles would never end.jtcroydon a YouTube user

I actually have found my waistline again, lol! I am doing your treadmill video & the Jumpin Jacks Selena Keefer