At Iftar… EAT LESS
bad foods
that increase hunger & cravings making you eat more AND gain weight.
Break your fast with
weight loss foods to stabilize your blood sugar, kill hunger & prevent
overeating to stay within the right amount of calories to lose weight.
Use these tips
to fight hunger & cravings but generally,
During Ramadan or any type of fasting you'll gradually adapt by having less cravings & hunger each day.
4. Manage or Eliminate Thirst
Drink at least 1 liter (33 ounces) of water each night.
Gargle or swish water in your mouth
according to your interpretation of Ramadan.
Avoid eating &
drinking stuff that will make you thirsty like
salty foods, sodas,
& teas
Wear lighter clothes that won't attract too much heat.
Try not to do any high intensity exercises or anything that causes you
to break a sweat.
5. Exercise?
Eating the right amount of calories is all you need to do to
lose weight during Ramadan. Add exercise when you want to lose weight faster.
6. Be Prepared
At least 2 weeks before Ramadan,
Limit or completely cut out the
bad sugary, salty & fatty foods in your diet. This will make those first couple of days or weeks
of Ramadan easier with little-to-NO cravings.
After Ramadan,
Switch back to
intermittent fasting which is almost like Ramadan where you have to fast
14+ hours per day or,