the NowLoss Diet or…

4 Steps to Lose Weight Fast Eating Anything You Like

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  • aajason

1. Eat less than 2000 calories per day of anything you want because…

It's NOT WHAT You Eat that makes you fat or slim… It's HOW MUCH You Eat or the amount of calories you eat that makes you gain weight, lose weight or maintain your current weight.

Look at the picture below to get a better idea why it does not matter WHAT you eat…

eat anything you want to lose weight

So if we use the picture above as an example…

Since the average person who's trying to lose weight needs to eat more than 2000 calories per day to maintain or gain weight…

You'll easily lose weight fast eating less than 2000 calories per day no matter what you eat

Use the weight loss calculator below to get a better estimate of exactly how many calories you should start eating to lose weight…

Select if you're male or female, Put in your height, weight, age & then Click on the button that says "Tell me How To Lose Weight"

Female Male
Your height:   Feet: Inches
Your weight: pounds
     Your age: years

You need to eat less than  calories per day to start losing weight

2. Eat whenever you want

As long as you're eating less than 2000 calories per day It does not matter WHEN, WHERE or WHAT you eat.

Sue Lost 124 Pounds faster using Intermittent Fasting
Sue lost 124  pounds with intermittent fasting

3. Drink at least 1 liter of water per day

I had a client who lost 20 pounds in 1 week after adding JUST water to his diet. He was so bloated, his rings did not fit him, stomach was large, and socks would indent his lower legs when he removed them. Stew Smith, Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS)

4. Track your calories

The most important thing when it comes to losing weight is how many calories you eat but on the flip side of that…

The #1 reason Why you can't lose weight is because you're not tracking your calories.

Use 1 of these tools like or Lose It! to track of how many calories you're eating every day and then…

Look at the picture below to get a better idea of how to track your calories…

are you losing weight

Please Note: If you're eating less than 1500 calories per day and you can't lose weight then chances are you're not tracking or counting your calories properly so always triple check your calorie counts before you lower your calorie intake.

Optional: Track your protein to lose weight faster

You'll lose weight regardless of what you eat as long you eat less than 2000 calories per day but studies indicate You'll lose weight faster when at least 30% of your diet is protein because…

Type in how many calories you eat per day to lose weight in the box below and then click the Enter button to see how much protein you need to lose weight faster…

Type in how many calories you eat per day here →

You need to get at least grams of protein each day to lose weight faster

Don't eat back the calories you burn exercising!

See why it's absolutely insane to eat back the calories you burn exercising but When you're tracking your calories DO NOT eat back the calories you burn exercising unless you want to lose weight much slower or unless you want to waste your time exercising to lose weight like the guy in this video…

Before you get too excited about losing weight eating anything you want on the NowLoss Diet - Here's…

4 Reasons You Should Eat Mostly Healthy Foods

1. You Will Not Gain Weight

You can eat nothing but unhealthy foods and still lose weight as long as you eat less than 2000 calories but…

So unless you have a lot of willpower you'll need to cut back on how much unhealthy foods you put in your diet.

2. You'll Definitely Lose Weight Faster

Healthy weight loss foods fill you up quicker, kills your cravings & reduces your hunger keeping you satisfied much longer meaning you'll eat much less and lose weight much faster.

3. You Can Eat Much More

Healthy weight loss foods have a low calorie density meaning they pack a small amount of calories in a large amount of food vs. unhealthy foods that pack a lot of calories in a tiny amount of food.

For example, You'd have to eat 4 apples (1 of the best weight loss foods) to equal about the same amount of calories in 1 candy bar…

apple vs snickers calorie density

4. You'll Look Better Naked

This has nothing to do with losing weight but a diet of mostly unhealthy foods will lead to bad skin, wrinkles, acne and yellow teeth which basically makes you look older & uglier and common sense should tell you that bad foods will put you in the hospital much quicker than weight loss foods will.

Let's recap the 4-Step NowLoss Diet to lose weight eating anything you like

1. Eat Less Than 2000 Calories a Day

2. Eat Whenever You Want

3. Drink 1 Liter of Water per day

4. Track Your Calories

They Used the NowLoss Diet

Lost 132 Pounds to Weigh 132 Lbs!

Just want to give you the results of your HIIT workouts & Nowloss Diet plan. Edward Caezar Pababero

Lost 140 Pounds

I used the nowloss diet watching my calorie intake, Drank 80-to-100 ounces of water daily and I did high intensity workouts like thisAlexa Ahrionne

Lost 99 Pounds

I've used your NowLoss Diet + IF and lost 45 kgs (99 Pounds)Rudra Patra

"I'm losing weight STILL eating CRAP! its AMAZING!!"

lost 15 kg
I decided I wanted to try eating whatever I want and I'm losing weight STILL eating CRAP! its AMAZING!!

Thank you SO SO SO SO SO SO MUCH. I will NEVER be "fat" again thanks to you. This changed my life forever. Hopefully you see this. Have a great day. Bye. Neenee Kali

Lost 81 Pounds in 6 Months

lean to leaner
I believe in the NowLoss Diet because I did the same thing I could eat Apple pie and custard every evening lol - I lost 81lbs over 6 months Jammy Burrell

He lost 84 lbs. in 9 months

I used a lot of dieting tips (mainly the NowLoss Diet from your website) and used a lot of the techniques U showed in your videos. Thanks mate, Jake Payne

Lost 70 Pounds

I used the 2000 calorie or less method also and it worked for me!!!! Lost 70 poundsTay Pittman‎

Finally at 71kg

Following the NowLoss Diet along with this running workout helped me get down to 71kgManny Schellenberg

From 207-to-170

By just doing 20 min Jumping Jack Workout twice daily and eating from the diet I have gone from 207 lbs to 170 lbs.Adil Ilyas
Thank you so much for your "Now Loss Diet". I have been using it, eating whatever I want and have lost 31 lbs so far.Alecia
Damn bro thanks alot with your tips dieting! I lost like 40 lbs doing the fast food diet counting calories!Carlos
I have read alot of blogs and diet plans but nobody seemed to explain the thing with sugar and salt making you crave for food… They just said it will make you gain weight not because you will crave and EAT MORE but just by eating it it makes you fat thats what they said… and 1 word for Adrian - LEGEND ! You are my idol man Marian Atanasov

How Fast Will I Lose Weight on the NowLoss Diet?

That mainly depends on how overweight you are and these other weight loss factors but The less calories you eat = the faster you'll lose weight and that's why its important you eat more weight loss foods instead of these bad foods to control your hunger and cravings to keep your calorie intake as low as possible to lose weight as fast and easy as possible.

To Lose Up to 5 Pounds a Week…

Use the NowLoss Diet with these 10 Workout Tips to Burn 48% More Belly Fat

Depending on how overweight you are this fast weight loss pace of up to 5 pounds per week could last anywhere from 1 week to 3 months with your weight loss getting much slower as you get closer to your weight loss goal.

More Tips