DO NOT Use Laxatives For Weight Loss!


We live in a time where products are regularly measured by how quickly they work. The fact that those very products may be used for something other than what was intended barely enters into the picture until it is too late.

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  • aajason

Where this trend is most commonly found is in the area of weight loss, with people looking for a way to skip the diet & exercise portion of a healthy weight loss regimen.

One of the products people are more frequently turning to is laxatives, with most unaware of the potential critical damages this method can cause, or simply just willing to roll the dice and take the chance.

Laxatives True Purpose

Laxatives are most commonly used to relieve the symptom of constipation, which means they are generally only used a few times per year, if at all, by the average individual. They are not intended for daily use, which is what dieters are doing when they use laxatives for weight loss.

Yes, you'll lose weight but,

While you might see weight loss come relatively quickly when employing this method, what you can't see is the effect and intensity of the damage, sometimes irreversible, that it is doing to your insides!

Surprisingly, 17 million people are using these easily available non-prescription laxatives for weight loss.

Laxative Addiction is Real

Not everyone starts out by taking laxatives on a daily basis, but when they start to see the weight falling off, it's then that they switch to full abuse mode and become addicted.

The addiction to laxatives starts out in much the same way as any other addiction. The amounts taken at the start are small and manageable, but the person reaches the point where the amounts they take are not having the desired effect and,

To keep losing weight,

They blow up the number of laxatives and the regularity with which they are taken in order to keep the pounds coming off at a rate they deem to be acceptable.

Even when they reach a point where their weight and physical appearance becomes alarming and unhealthy, they are so in the grips of laxatives that they simply cannot stop!

Dangerous Side Effects of Laxatives

Most of the issues can be found in the stomach and abdominal area. When you have been overexposed to laxatives and try to cut back… There is a feeling of tightness and bloating.

Users think this happens because they stop taking laxatives and this only makes them want to take more. What that feeling really turns out to be is your body telling you there is a problem.

Human intestines can suffer severe damage when abusing laxatives. This makes it virtually impossible for the digestive system to work as it should, making it difficult to eat or drink anything.

The pain in the abdominal areas also becomes extremely unbearable and severe, making it hard for people to sleep comfortably at night.

Those who have suffered from the problems that come with laxative abuse will tell that there were signs of problems early on, such as blood in the urine, but that they dismissed it as something else.

When you perceive that a product is delivering the results you want, it becomes all too easy to point the finger of blames somewhere else.
Laxatives come in 4 types to promote bowel movements when you're constipated.
  1. Fiber Supplements
  2. Osmotic Laxatives
  3. Stool Softeners
  4. Stimulants

The problem is that in order to do their job, laxatives need to irritate the interior walls of the intestine, forcing out the built up stool inside.

While this happens, the nutrients that would normally stay and help promote a healthy body are also flushed away. Once in a very short while is fine but,

Putting your body through this process on a regular basis is akin to slow torture that may very well eventually end in your demise.

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