How do I know I'm working out hard enough to lose weight?
If your workout is easy or low intensity,
- Workout at least 45 minutes for 4 days a week to see good weight
loss results.
If your workout is hard or high intensity
- Workout
at least 15 minutes for 2 days a week to see good weight loss results.
The more overweight you are,
As you get closer to your weight loss goal,
- You may need to workout at a higher intensity and/or longer & more often
to keep losing weight at near the same pace of an overweight person.
Real Life Examples
James was so overweight he lost 30 pounds in his first 30 days
working out.

I did your workouts with 1 hour of weight training every other day. 30 days, 30 lbs & 6 inches off waist. Thank you for your motivation!!!!James Burns
But it took Marlene over 30 days to lose her last 10 pounds of belly fat.
Adrian, I'm so HAPPY!! With your advice, I finally made it to 115 poundsMarlene Paiva
4 Ways to tell if you're doing a HIGH or LOW Intensity workout
1. Find your fat burning zone (target heart rate)
To find your fat burning zone while exercising,
2. Rate the intensity on a Scale of 1-to-10
- 1-to-4 is low intensity.
- 5-to-7 is moderate-to-high intensity.
- 8-to-10 is high intensity.
3. Talk Test
- Low intensity = You can sing your favorite song
or have a conversation while exercising.
- Moderate-to-High intensity = You can't sing
but… You can have an 'Interrupted Conversation'
meaning you have to stop and catch your breath between words.
- High intensity = It becomes difficult to talk or you
can't talk at all while exercising.
4. Sweat Test
- Low intensity = No sweat & No problem
- Moderate-to-High intensity = Breaking a sweat.
- High intensity = Sweating profusely. It seems
like you can ring a gallon of sweat from your shirt after exercising.
Intensity is RELATIVE TO YOU! What is Low intensity to you may be high intensity for someone else.