2 Steps to Burn Fat & Build Muscle at the same time

how to get ripped in 6 weeks
  1. Build Muscle
  2. Burn Fat
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  • aajason

To Build Muscle,

IMPORTANT → Use progressive overload to build muscle fast.

GROUP A. Exercises for
Bigger Chest, Shoulders & Triceps

Any Type of Bench Press
Dumbbell, Incline, Decline etc.

Weighted Push-ups or Dips

GROUP B. Exercises for
Bigger Back & Biceps

Any Rowing Exercise
where you're pulling towards your chest.

Any Type of Pull Down
Where you pull from overhead.

GROUP C. Exercises for
Bigger Legs

Any type of Squat
Including Lunges.

Leg Press

To Burn Fat,

Put in your height, weight & age before you click the 'Tell Me How to Get Ripped' button ↓

Your height:   Feet: Inches
Your weight: pounds
     Your age: years

Eat -to- calories per day to Burn Fat &,

Eat -to- grams of protein to Build Muscle at the same time.

Use a food journal or an app to accurately track the total calories, protein, carbs & fats you eat.

Fat Loss Workouts

Fat Loss Workouts are not needed to burn fat. They only help you burn fat faster AFTER you're already eating the right amount of calories

Look Better Workout

FUK Being Fat Workout

More Workouts

Do your fat loss workouts last if you're doing the muscle building workout the same day.

When Will I Get Ripped?

No matter how fast you build muscle… Getting ripped mainly depends on how fast you lose weight. The more overweight you are = the longer its going to take to lose the fat hiding your ripped muscles.

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