4 Quick Ab Workouts

ripped abs man woman
  1. 3 Minute Ab Workout
  2. 1 Minute Ab Workout
  3. 90 Second Ab Workout
  4. 7 Minute Ab Workout
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  • aajason

1. THREE Minute Ab Workout


For the best results, Do this quick 3-minute ab workout 1-to-5 times per day, 1-to-3 days per week.

2. ONE Minute Ab Workout

You're actually falling into the wall.

For the best results, Do this ab workout at least twice a week at least 3x a day.

3. 90 Second Ab Workout

Follow the same instructions you did for the 3-minute ab workout


4. 7 Minute Ab Workout

This 7 minute Ab workout is an easier version of the 1-Minute ab workout

More Ab Workouts