First, You need to know why you have cankles in order to get rid of them. 1 of these 3 things makes you have
1. You're Overweight
Use a free weight loss
plan to lose weight all over your body including your
stubborn cankle fat because… There IS NOT a special exercise you can do
to only target cankles but,
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Fat Loss workouts like
Jumping Jacks involving your feet firms
up your ankle & calf areas. This reduces the appearance of your cankles while
eliminating them all together on a
weight loss
Water retention, edema or swelling in the ankle area can make you have
cankles no matter if you're skinny or fat. Do this quick test to see if its fat or
swelling causing your cankles…
If your pressing leaves a temporary dent in your canklesthat takes longer than usually to fill back in… then you have cankles
caused by water retention or swelling like the yellow foot in the picture
below ↓
If nothing happens after pressing, then it's probably cankles caused by
being overweight.
3 ways to get rid of cankles fast caused by water retention
Drink at least 1 liter of water per day because your body holds onto water if you don't drink enough.
If you've done everything from 1 & 2 above
meaning… You've gone on a weight loss plan, you've made sure you're not retaining water
weight and you still have cankles even though you're at a normal weight,
Then the bad news is you may be genetically predisposed to having
cankles. The not so good news is you can have surgery to remove your cankles for
up to $8,000 but before you have surgery,