1. Drink More Water
I had a client who lost 20 pounds in 1 week after adding JUST water to his diet. He was so bloated, his rings did not fit him, stomach was large, and socks would indent his lower legs when he removed them. Stew Smith, Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS)
2. Limit Your Salt Intake
The more salt or sodium you eat + how little water you drink = the more water your body will hold onto givining you 2 options.
3. Eat a Balanced Diet of Carbs, Proteins & Fats
4. Eat Smaller Meals
5. Stop Drinking Soda!
Sodas or any carbonated drinks make your stomach bloated. The carbon dioxide creates gas in your stomach forcing your stomach to expand → 6 reasons to stop drinking soda today
6. Avoid Artificial Sweeteners
Artificial sweaters cannot be easily broken down by your body and this causes gas which leads to bloating.
Limit your use of artificial sweeteners to less than 3 servings a day by avoiding diet sodas, sugarless gums, or any so called "sugar-free" foods.
7. Don't Swallow Air
When you swallow too much air, the air becomes trapped in your stomach, this causes gas and leads to bloating. You can prevent this by,
8. Natural Diuretics
9. Anti-bloating Teas
Use anti-bloating teas like Fennel Tea, Peppermint Herbal Tea, Chamomile Tea and yogurts containing probiotics
10. Supplements
11. Epsom Salt
Epsom salt baths is what many celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow and Victoria Beckham secretly do for a flatter stomach → 100 Celebrity Weight Loss Secrets
Mix 2 cups of Epsom salt in warm bathwater and soak for 15 minutes 2-to-3 times per week to get rid of excess water weight.
12. Steam Room
Use a steam room and/or exercise for 15 minutes to sweat out excess water weight.
13. Keep a Journal
Keep a bloat journal to help you find out which foods &/or drinks are making you bloated so you can eat less of those foods.
14. Women
Take Calcium, Magnesium, vitamin B6 and vitamin E to prevent or eliminate any bloating bought on by PMS.
15. Fiber
16. Avoid Cruciferous Vegetables
Cruciferous vegetables like kale, broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower are good for you but they all cause bloating. Your body has a hard time digesting raffinose (a complex sugar found in cruciferous vegetables) → Complete list of Cruciferous Vegetables
17. Alcohol, Chocolate & Coffee
18. Alternative Meds?
Some medications like contraceptives or birth control pills can cause stomach bloating for various reasons. Ask your doctor about alternative medications that will not cause any bloating → 6 Reasons You Can't Lose Weight
19. IBS
You may have Irritable Bowel Syndrome (or IBS) which causes bloating → See IBS symptoms
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