The best way to do Ab crunches for building six pack abs
Doing crunches like I'm doing in the video above will work your abs a whole lot
better than regular crunches because you get a much better range of
motion and…
Unlike regular crunches where you may need to do 15-to-30 reps to feel
anything in your abs… You only have to do 8-to-12 reps of stability ball crunches with
extra weight to get a good six pack ab workout.
Once doing Ab crunches get easy…
Hold and squeeze your abs at the top of each crunch for 2-to-3
seconds before curling back down or…
You can use extra weight (like a dumbbell or
weight plate) - Make sure you hold the weight closer to your neck and not on your
lower chest or belly so you can feel it working your abs more and…