100 Ways to Burn 100 Calories
Less than 5 minutes
- Chop
wood for 4 minutes, 22 seconds.
- Run a 5-minute mile → You'll have burned 100 by 4½ minutes.
- Jump on
a stationary bike and ride it at a pace of 20 MPH for 4 minutes,
52 seconds.
Less than 10 minutes
- Hum the
Rocky theme song as you skip rope for 9½ minutes.
- Hike the great
outdoors with at least 22 pounds in your backpack for 9 minutes,
15 seconds.
- Play racquetball for 7 minutes, 17 seconds.
- Swim a few laps of your favorite stroke (back, breast or
butterfly) for 8 minutes or less.
- Scuba-dive for 7 minutes,11seconds.
- Hit a few on the tennis court → Play for 9 minutes.
Less than 15 minutes
- Ski down an advanced slope.
- Tread
water for 14½ minutes.
- Snorkel in the pool and kick at a
moderate pace for 14 minutes, 5 seconds.
- Use a stationary
rower for 11 minutes.
- Hit the weights for 13 minutes.
- Take an intense aerobics class for 11 minutes, 8 seconds.
- Walk uphill for 13 minutes.
Without moving a muscle
At your desk
- Push a pencil for 45 minutes
- Walk back and forth to the copier for 26 minutes.
- Type for 48 minutes.
- Talk up a client for 52 minutes.
Being a good person
- Plant two medium sized
- Save gas by riding your bike to work. (21 minutes at a leisurely pace)
- Volunteer to pick up trash along the
highway for 19½ minutes.
- Crush 623 cans for recycling.
During a Romantic Evening
- Woo her with a 33-minute
tune on the piano.
- Slow-dance through seven songs (about 26 minutes)
- Give her a full body massage for 19½
- Shower her with 9,240 mini-kisses all over her
- Sweep her off her feet and carry her up to the
bedroom. This only works if your bedroom's on the 13th floor.
If not, you burn 8 calories per flight of stairs.
Make love for about an hour.
Then again, if you can accomplish this on regular basis, chances are she
does not care
how fat you are
- Make breakfast in bed for her the next morning. Include cooking for 20
minutes, serving it to her and yes, doing the dishes.
House Work
- Paint the house or clean the
gutter for 16 minutes
- Rake leaves for 20 minutes.
- Push-mow the lawn for 14 minutes.
- Wash and wax the car for about 18 minutes.
- Shovel snow for 12
minutes, or use the snow bowler for 17 minutes.
Hanging out with friends
- Play power pool.
Shoot 10 racks at an average of three minutes a game.
- Shoot some darts: four games of countdown 301 or
one game of cricket.
- Play 13 hands of poker.
Doing the things your wife tells you to do
- Spend
13 minutes finding just the right spot for the #@*&% couch.
- Take the dog out for a 23-minute walk.
- Haul out the trash
8 times.
- Lift and lower the toilet seat 3,740 times.
Acting Like a Kid
- Run with
scissors for 9½ minutes.
- Talk with your mouth full for
38 minutes.
- Jump up and down on the bed 1,336
- Wrestle with your brother or sister for 7 minutes.
Acting out movie scenes
- Groove like Travolta during a dance-contest
- Hit the open road like a wild rider.
- Reenact the end of any movie starring Van Damme, Seagal or Bruce Lee
for 8 minutes.
- Stand in the
mirror and repeat, "Are you talking' to me? Are you talking' to
me?" 519 times.
- Grab a
golf club and make like a swashbuckling hero. You'll burn 100
big ones in just 8½ minutes.
- Chop down 5 Christmas trees. Put a tree in every room of the house or… Volunteer to do the honors for your friends and family.
- Spend half an hour putting up the lights outside
the house.
- Roast peanuts on an open fire (31 minutes).
- Save your Christmas shopping for the last minute: Walking
briskly through a mall with a stack of packages will burn
through 100 calories in just over 19 minutes.
- Wrap 21 of
those gifts when you get home.
Living the good life
- Man a sailboat for 26
- Read the financial section for an hour.
- Drive on a polluted road with open windows of your second hand
car for about 38½ minutes.
- Travel the harbor lines
during the peak hours in a second class compartment on the day
when you have bunked office.
- Eat all the possible junk
stuff from a dirty furnished third class restaurant at least
twice a week.
Being a good parent
- Push your child in a stroller for 30
- Change 52 diapers..
- Take your kids for an
outing a day prior to the final exam.
- Watch a
horror film with your kid instead of telling him
weird stories about prince and princess.
Playing professional sports
- FACE Michael Jordan on the court for 9 minutes.
- Go 2 rounds with Mike Tyson. Don't think you could survive that long?
No problem. Lying unconscious for an hour will also burn the same
- Carry Lee Trevino's bags for two holes.
- Throw fastballs to the White Sox for two innings (14 minutes on
the mound)
- Play half a period of professional hockey.
Lose calories and teeth at the same time.
- Bowl 10
frames against Earl Anthony. You may not bowl 300, but
you will burn 100.
- Throw long passes while avoiding the
Pittsburgh Steelers defense for 10 minutes.
Doing the same thing over & over
- Play the nickel slots in Reno 234 times or
$11.70 worth.
- Do 97 pushups
at 10 pushups a minute.
- Do 146 crunches
at 15 crunches a minute.
- Putt 156 golf balls at six putts a minute.
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