Chris (who lost 177 Pounds in 7 Months) lost weight faster than Jammy (who lost 81 Pounds in 6 Months) mainly because he weighed 100 pounds more than Jammy
1. How Overweight You Are
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The fatter you are = The quicker you'll lose weight
A fatter person loses weight FASTER than a lighter person
because they have a higher metabolism. Fatter people require
more calories/energy to maintain their current bodyweight.
When a fatter person goes on a diet or eats less calories…
metabolism burns a lot more fat than a lighter person to make up for
the bigger lack of energy they need.
When a fatter person works out… They burn more calories becasue
it takes more energy to move a heavier object. This is why
wearing a
weight vest while exercising helps you lose weight faster.
Yes, You Can Lose Over 2 Pounds Per Week
Depending on how overweight you are, it's not only safe to lose
more than 2 pounds a week… It's almost Impossible NOT to lose more than 2
pounds per week but as you lose weight your weight loss rate will slow
2. How Much You Eat
The LESS you eat or
HOW LOW you go UNDER the amount of
calories you need to
lose weight
= the faster you'll lose weight. For example… You'll lose weight faster eating 1800 vs. 2500 calories per
Very Low Calorie Diets of less than 500-to-1500 calories
are not recommend because they're harder to sustain and you're more
likely to gain
back all the weight you lost AND MORE.
3. How Much Protein You Eat
Study after
study after
study says when protein is at least 30%
of your diet you'll lose weight faster.
You'll burn an extra 262 calories per day.
You'll lose 11 pounds in 12 weeks JUST by adding more protein.