How to use tire flip training to build a better body…
3 Simple Tire Flip Workout Guidelines…
Flip a tire 35-to-100 times or flip it for 50-to-100 yards and…
Use a tire that is not too light or too heavy so…
Too heavy = you can only flip it 1-to-2 times before you need to rest
Too light = you can flip a tire 10-to-20 times without stopping
Moderate or just right = you can flip tire 5-to-10 times without stopping
Take 3-to-10 days off between tire flip workouts and…
You can burn more fat & build more muscle each tire flip workout by…
Doing 35-to-100 tire flips or flipping a tire 50-to-100 yards faster & faster each workout
Adding exercises like Jumping jacks or jogging in place to your workouts and/or…
Using a heavier tire (or any other heavy object you can lift &
2 sample tire flipping workouts…
Workout A
Warm-up 5-to-10 minutes and then…
Time yourself and flip a tire 35-to-100 times or 50-100 yards and
Record the time & write down how long it took you to flip a tire 35-to-100 times or 50-100 yards
and then…
Take at least 3-to-10 days off and…
Repeat steps 1-thru-4 again but try to flip a tire 35-to-100 times or 50-100 yards in less time and…
If you beat you time or finish your workout in less time then reward yourself with a
cheat meal or treating yourself to a movie but…
If you don't beat your time or if it takes you longer to flip a tire
35-to-100 times or 50-100 yards - punish yourself by doing workout A again or by
working out more by doing something like a 2 mile jog.
Workout B
Warm-up 5-to-10 minutes and then…
Do 5-to-10 tire flips and then….
For 30-to-60 seconds Do jumping jacks, ride a bike, jog in place, jump rope, or any activity that keeps you highly active for 30-to-60 seconds and…
Repeat this process until you've flipped a tire 50-100 times and then…