How to lose weight fast on a treadmill in 10 minutes
To lose weight fast in 10 minutes on a treadmill…
Make sure for the 10 seconds where you're running or walking that YOU ARE ACTUALLY RUNNING OR WALKING REAL FAST for 10 seconds and…
On a scale of 1-to-10 with 10 being real hard or very intense - you should be at least at a level 8 for the hard parts where you run or walk real fast
for 10 seconds and…
You only need to do this workout 3-to-4 days a week and…
If you feel like you can do this workout more than 10-to-40 minutes
and/or more than 3-to-4 days a week then you simply were not walking or
running intense enough to make this workout burn off fat fast so If this treadmill workout is too easy for you…
Here's 5 ways to make it more intense so you'll lose weight faster…
You can run/walk faster
You can run/walk longer for 10-to-20 seconds before your 10 second breaks
You can take a shorter 5-to-7 second break when you rest and/or…
You still want to run/walk real fast on & off thru out the
entire 10-to-20 minitue workout but…
You can rest longer for 10-to-30 seconds and as you get fitter you can
gradually lower your rest time all the way down to 10 seconds to burn more and
more and…
Safety comes first on treadmills so… take these precautions…
Always hold onto the treadmill before you start to run or rest for 10 seconds and…
Feel free to Always hold onto the treadmill during the entire workout if it makes you feel more safe or comfortable or…