The main thing you need to work on to get bigger arms is to…
Work on your triceps and not your biceps because your triceps (or the back or your arms) account for almost 70% of your total arm size and
The 2 best exercises for bigger triceps are Dips and close grip bench presses…
If you're not strong enough to do 1 chin up then you need to
go here to see how to get strong enough to do 1 chin-up but if you can't do chin-ups for whatever reason then the next 2 best things you can do for bigger biceps are…
Various types of bicep curls like Barbell curls, Chair curls, or Drag curls and if you can't do chin-ups then the next best way to get bigger biceps would be for you to pre-exhaust your biceps by doing 2-to-6 sets of 6-to-15 reps of any type of bicep curls followed by you doing 4-to-6 sets of heavy rowing exercises but…
The guy doing chin-ups will definitely get bigger biceps faster than the guy doing just curls and/or heavy rows.
To make your arms get even bigger…
You also need to work on your brachialis muscles which is the little round muscles located between your biceps and triceps - See the picture below↓
Whenever you do any bicep exercise you're going to always work your brachialis muscle to a certain degree but
the reason why you may really want to really focus on working your brachialis is because…
Your brachialis muscles sit under your biceps and a bigger brachialis helps your biceps popup more or peak higher whenever you flex them and when it comes to doing the best exercise for
a bigger brachialis (or a bigger biceps peak) its the exact opposite of what you do for bigger biceps so…
The best and only exercise to get a bigger bicep peak is close grip pull-ups where your palms are facing away from you but
you can also do reverse curls to work your brachialis for a bigger bicep peak.
You should easily be able to get bigger forearms by doing heavy weight training exercises that require you to grip on to something for a long period of time (like pull-ups & chin-ups) but The
4 best exercises you can do for forearms are…
In Workout A you're building bigger arms without doing the recommend chin-ups or pull-ups &…
Once you're able to do at least 4 chin-ups or pull-ups move on to workouts
B or C to get bigger arms faster.
The exercises from Groups 1 & 2 must be done together
to get a good bicep workout so…
You can do the exercises from Groups 1 & 2 in the morning and…
Then do the Group 3 exercises in the evening and vice versa.
If you just want a Biceps or Triceps only workout then just do the exercises from Groups 1 & 2 or just the exercises from Group 3
Workout B
Do 4-to-6 supersets of 4-to-12 reps of JUST one of the triceps exercises from Group 1 &
JUST one of the biceps exercises from Group 2 (a Superset is where you do 2 exercises back-to-back without resting) and then…
Do all your triceps exercises from Groups 1 & 3 before your
biceps exercises from Groups 2 & 4 or…
You can do your triceps exercises from Groups 1 & 3 in the morning & do
your biceps exercises from Groups 2 & 4 in the evening and vice versa.
If you just want a triceps or biceps only workout then only do the exercises from
Groups 1 & 3 or Groups 2 & 4 but…
If you want to build up just your brachialis for a bigger bicep peak
then only do the close grip pull-ups from Group 2
& the reverse curls from Group 4 or…
If you want to build up your biceps and brachialis at the same time
then jonly do the parallel pull-ups from
Group 2 & the hammer chair curls from Group 4.
If you can't do pull-ups or chin-ups then do the easier Workout A or…
You can also do Workout B for an easier arm workout but To make Workout C a better arm workout…
You can pre-exhaust your arm muscles by reversing the order of the workout &…
Doing the isolation exercises from Groups 2 & 4 before
doing the compound exercises from Groups 1 & 3.
D (Getting Bigger Forearms)
For Workout D you have 3 options…
Option 1: Do the Farmers walk for 200-to-1000 yards.
Option 2: Do the Wrist roller for 5-to-7 sets of rolling HEAVY weights up & down 1-to-5 times or… Do 5-to-7
sets of rolling LIGHT weights up & down 5-to-20 times.
Don't use the same amount of weight, reps and/or sets every arm workout expecting them to get bigger so make sure you are trying to increase the weight, do more reps and/or sets every time you do an arm workout and…
Make extra sure you are keeping a training log so you can keep track of how much weight, reps and sets you are doing because you want to do better than your last workout every time you workout
- for example…
If you did 4 sets of 8 chin-ups wearing a 50 pound
weight vest then the next time you workout you want to beat your last workout by…