Make Your Own Fat Loss Workout With The Clean & Press…
When designing your Clean & Press workouts…
- Do only 35-to-100 reps each workout and…
- Use weights that aren't too heavy or too light meaning…
- The weights should be heavy enough where you can do 5-to-10 reps at a
time and…
- Not so light where you can do 10-to-20 reps at a time and…
- Take 3-to-10 days off between your clean & press workouts and…
To get ripped faster with each Clean & Press workout you do…
- Make sure you do your 35-to-100 reps faster and/or…
- Add exercises like Jumping jacks or jogging in place to your workouts
- By adding more weight to your Cleans & Presses.
Here's some sample Clean & Press workouts…
Workout A
Warm-up 5-to-10 minutes and then…
- Time yourself and Do 35-to-100 reps and afterwards…
- Record the time & write down how long it took you to finish 35-to-100 reps and
- Take at least 3-to-10 days off and…
- Repeat steps 1-thru-4 again but try to do your 35-to-100 reps in less time and…
Workout B
- Warm-up 5-to-10 minutes and then…
- Do 5-to-10 reps and then…
- For 30-to-60 seconds Do jumping jacks, ride a bike, jog in place, jump rope, or any activity that keeps you highly active for 30-to-60 seconds and…
- Repeat this process until you've done 35-100 reps and…
- Take at least 3-to-10 days off.
- Go here to see a full workout demo of Workout
B using dumbbells.
Workout A Demo
Workout B Demo
More workouts to get you ripped…
Click on photos to start doing a workout