4 Interval Training Fat Loss Workouts

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  • aajason
  1. Beginner Interval Workout
  2. Pyramid Interval Workout
  3. Hill Interval Workout
  4. Walk-Jog-Run Interval Workout

What Are Intervals?

Beginner Interval Workout

Example of a Basic interval workout

Pyramid Interval Workout

In these type of workouts, the duration of the LOW INTENSITY (resting/easy) parts OR the HIGH INTENSITY (working/hard) parts of the workouts 'pyramid' UP & DOWN thru out the workout.

In the jumping jack interval workout video below the HIGH INTENSITY parts of the workout pyramids UP by 10 seconds each time (from 10-to-20-to-30-to-40 seconds) before pyramiding back down (from 40-to-30-to-20-to-10 seconds)

Here's the basic layout of the above ↑ 30 minute Jumping Jack Pyramid Workout:

You can replace jumping jacks with ANY exercise of your choice → More Jumping Jack Workouts

In the Walking interval workout video below the LOW INTENSITY parts of the workout pyramids DOWN (from 30-to-20-to-10 seconds) before pyramiding back up (from 10-to-20-to-30 seconds)

Here's the basic layout of the above ↑ 30 minute Walking Pyramid Workout:

More Walking, Running & Treadmill Workouts

Hill Intervals

hill interval training



Walk-Jog-Run Intervals
walk run jog interval

You divide this workout into 3 PARTS based on TIME or DISTANCE.

  1. WALK like you're in a hurry for 10-to-60 seconds.
  2. JOG / RUN for 10-to-60 seconds.
  3. RUN / SPRINT as if you're being chased by a dog for 10-to-60 seconds.
  4. Repeat for 10-to-40 minutes.

Instead of 10-to-60 seconds,

More Workouts