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Use these 8 tips to get ripped fast…

1. Get ripped fast by beating your last muscle building workout

When you're doing muscle building workouts to get ripped fast it's VERY IMPORTANT that you keep a training log to keep up with how much weight you're using along with how many sets & reps you're doing because…

Your muscles can't get bigger and stronger if you keep using the same weights, reps and sets every workout so…

You want to make each workout tougher than the last workout by…

Go ahead and try to make each SET of your muscle building workouts tougher than the last set by using heavier weights and/or doing more reps and…

2. You also want to beat your last fat burning workout by…

The quickest way to get ripped fast is to keep beating your last workout by pushing yourself more & more each time even if it's only by an inch!

3. Stop using weights that are TOO light or TOO heavy

This is very Important: You only want to use weights that are heavy enough to allow you to do the recommend number of reps so for example…

4. If you can't Beat your last workout - Get ripped faster by resting

If you ever end up using the same amount of weights, reps and sets for 2-to-3 muscle building workouts in a row then you need to skip your next 1-to-2 workouts to allow your muscles to rest long enough to get bigger & stronger for you to use more weight, do more reps and/or sets and generally…

After doing muscle building workouts for 1-to-3 months - You'll need to take 1-to-2 weeks off to allow your muscles to rest, recover & get bigger. 

5. Keep a food journal to get ripped faster

A food journal can help you keep track of how many calories you eat along with How many carbs, proteins & fats you eat and this will Help you lose enough fat & build enough muscle to get ripped fast but…

If you make sure all of your meals have some of these fat burning carbs here & these muscle building proteins here then you should be getting enough carbs, proteins and fats to get ripped fast but if you're having trouble getting ripped…

6. Eat less carbs to get ripped faster

Eating less carbs will help you burn fat faster so you'll be able to see your ripped six pack abs & your ripped physique but…

Eating less carbs or making carbs less than 40% of your diet will make it tougher for you to build more muscle (go here to see why) so…

It's best you only try eating less than 40% carbs if You ONLY want to focus on burning fat to help you lose those last few stubborn pounds of fat to help you show off your ripped six pack abs.

7. Use supplements to get ripped faster

You can use muscle building supplements and/or fat burners to help you get ripped faster and remember… You can get ripped without supplements but…

8. Get ripped faster by doing 1 thing at a time

See if you're able to burn fat & build muscle at the same time because…

Instead of trying to burn fat (or lose weight) and build muscle at the same time to get ripped - It may be better for you to…

  1. Go here to build lots of muscle mass first and then…
  2. Go here to burn off any fat you have to finally get ripped and…

To start getting ripped right now…

Make sure you also see…