After my pregnancy, I was left with about an inch and a half gap that I really couldn't seem to get rid of! I found this last night, did all the exercises and woke up today a bit sore but my stomach was significantly flatter!
Even my
fiance was amazed! It's not where I want it but I'm sure in a few months I'll be right where I want to! Why didn't I start this a year ago! You are a saint! This page should be given to every mother after delivery!Meredith Coles
1. Flat Stomach Exercises
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Flat stomach or
TVA (transverse abdominus) exercises strengthen the muscles deep within your abdominal wall to form a
natural muscular girdle pulling your abs (or rectus muscles)
together to close the gap.
3 Flat Stomach Exercises
Do any combination of those TVA or Flat stomach exercises as often as you like to correct diastasis recti.
Take a long towel and wrap it around your torso with the ends in front.
As you perform the crunch… Pull the ends of the towel towards each other in front of your belly button
to help urge the muscle back together.
Although towel assistance crunches and other
manual splitting techniques
are useful for correcting
diastasis recti… Focus more on
Flat stomach exercises to strengthen your TVA which acts as a natural splint pulling your abs back together to correct diastasis recti.
7 Tips to Correct Diastasis Recti Faster
Use a diastasis recti splint or an
abdominal binder (like the one pictured above) to provide compression &
support to the abdominal area.
The sooner you start doing diastasis recti exercises after giving birth = the easier it will be for you to close your abdominal separation.
Do not do any heavy lifting or yoga poses
that stretch out your abs. Avoid yoga poses like the cow pose, up-dog, all backbends,
belly breathing and,
Any exercises that'll cause your abs to bulge or stick out while exercising (your abs should remain tight or drawn
in during most exercises)
Avoid movements where you roll up and twist at the same time (like getting up out of bed) but instead… Roll onto your side and use your arms to push yourself up.
When coughing, place your hands on your belly to hold your abs
in place.
Before Doing Diastasis Recti Exercises,
Make sure it's okay with your doctor. Usually
your doctor will have you wait a few weeks before exercising.
Diastasis recti usually goes away within a few weeks for most women
after giving birth but before doing diastasis recti exercises,
Make Sure You Actually Have Diastasis Recti
If you have a gap less than 2 finger widths… then this is normal after having a baby and should go away on it's on or very easily with these
diastasis recti exercises
If the gap is greater than 2½ finger widths…
Follow the steps on this page to correct
diastasis recti.
If your abdominal separation is greater than 4 finger widths… Surgery may be required to close up your abdominal separation.
More ways to Get Your Body Back after giving birth