1. Follow the 90/10 rule
It's understandable that you won't be able to follow your weight loss diet 100% perfect all the time and allowing yourself to cheat sometimes helps keep you on your diet longer making you lose more weight so…
You can follow the 80/20 rule and cheat 20% of the time but don't cheat no more than 20% of the time and here's another way you can look at it…
If you're cheating 10-to-20% of the time then only 10-to-20% of the calories you eat each day can come from these bad foods here
2. Don't overeat just because it's your cheat day (or cheat meal)
For example…
If you're supposed to eat 1,500 calories a day to lose weight - Don't eat 2,000-to-3,000 calories on your cheat day because if you overeat - you'll gain weight no matter if you're eating weight loss foods or bad foods for weight loss so remember this: A cheat day is just a day where you can eat whatever you want but NOT as much as you want but…
One day of overeating once every 2-to-3 weeks won't ruin your weight loss goals and…
3. Eat mostly bad high protein foods
If you're going to have a cheat day or cheat meal and eat bad foods for weight loss… try to eat mostly bad high protein foods instead of lots of simple sugar loaded bad carbs because simple carbs will only make you crave for more weight-gaining simple carbs plus simple carbs are stored more easily as fat and…
Although the saturated & transaturated fats in the bad high protein foods are unhealthy for you… The bad high protein foods will still suppress your appetite and bad high protein foods will still increase your metabolism (see fast weight loss tip #7).
Here's an example of a good cheat meal vs. a bad cheat meal using fast food places as an example…
4. YOU CAN'T CHEAT as you get closer to your weight loss goal
As you get closer & closer to your weight loss goal or within 10-to-20 pounds…
You have to be real strict with your diet because it gets harder & takes longer to lose your last 10-to-20 pounds so basically…
The better you look or the closer you get to your weight loss goal = the less you can cheat if you want to lose those last stubborn pounds of fat & look better naked and…