Vitamin C
makes your skin look better
by preventing the breakdown of collagen.
Vitamin C helps
rid of cellulite by helping your body produce enough collagen to
firm up your skin.
Vitamin C is good for
Anti-Aging as it reduces the damage done
to your skin by the sun.
Vitamin C is also an antioxidant that helps destroy free radicals in your body to make you
look younger.
A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found
that women who had more vitamin C in thier diet had a much better skin-aging appearance with less wrinkles.
Vitamin C helps your body burn fat turning it into energy.
Vitamin C helps
suppress the belly fat storing hormone called Cortisol.
Vitamin C helps
keep your testosterone high by reducing the armostase enzyme that converts your Testosterone into Estrogen.
Vitamin C will increase the strength and elasticity of your skin
to help you prevent &
Get rid of stretch marks.